Watch David Mayhew with his favourite system, Belden Gigabix, for Round 2 of Cabling Icon 2013. Round 2 – UTP Termination Speed Trial Contestants selected to move on to Round 2 will submit a video (2 minutes maximum length) of them terminating a 4 pair UTP cable...
Watch David Mayhew of AxisTech Services enter Round 1 of Cabling Icon. Round 1 – Give Us Your Best Shot Upload a 2-minute video (maximum) to YouTube demonstrating or explaining what makes you the Cabling Icon. About Cabling Icon Cabling Icon was developed by the...
One of the Fastest Growing Companies in BC embraces Videocasting and Distribution on YouTube Vancouver, BC (May 22, 2013) – AxisTech Services recently launched two education-based, and technology-forward videos into multiple social media channels including...
Common questions covered: Does AxisTech deliver services outside of Vancouver? Does AxisTech install outside plant cabling? What are the technical credentials of the installation team? Why choose AxisTech? Does AxisTech Deliver Services Outside of Vancouver? Yes, the...
The Challenge: The prestigious private Digital Solution school (ranked 1/860 schools in BC by the Fraser Institute – 2011) is located in Tsawwassen, BC, and currently enrolls approximately 300 students. This elite Western Canadian academy, while under...