AxisTech Joins CCW – Canadian Construction Women Association

President, Joana Barbulescu, and Project Coordinator, Kari Prevost,  joined the prestigious CCW with a mandate to Connect, Empower and Build the Communications Infrastructure Industry in British Columbia and Beyond.   Joana and Kari support the educational goals of...

Senior Project Manager, David Mayhew Upgrades with FOA

The AxisTech Senior Project Manager, David Mayhew recently attended two training courses (CFI and Installer2) at The Fibre Optics Association, Inc. to upgrade and heighten the team’s collective intelligence in Fiber Optic Installations and Large-scale...

BICSI – Orlando

President, Joana Barbulescu will be attending the annual BICSI Conference in Orlando, Florida in January 2016. As the leader in information and communications technology (ICT) education, BICSI will offer AGC expanded technical insight, news on the latest ICT industry...