Reducing White Noise by Going Greener

Primacoustic + AXISTECH – A Focused Partnership

Comparison Models by AXIS Technical Services

As the race for increased data storage and retrieval becomes more intense the server rooms of many organizations are experiencing unacceptable high levels of noise pollution.

A person working in a data center who is subjected to a soaring volume level over 90dB for a prolonged period of time is legally required to wear hearing protection (as stated by the laws of WCB – Workers Compensation Board).

Legacy and modern server rooms across North America are currently averaging a borderline noise level of 85dB. Consequently, the demand to address noise pollution has grown.

With a goal to create healthier work environments as a part of a larger risk management strategy for data centre facilities throughout the world, a new partnership was formed: Primacoustic’s superior products are now supported by AXISTECH’ design and installation expertise.

Having initiated several sustainable and cost-effective “Green” strategies in the past, the team developed several affordable solutions. Without restricting airflow, Primacoustic and AXISTECH were able to reduce server room noise pollution up to 10dB. With AXISTECH’s in-depth knowledge of data center environments, these expanded solutions were a natural fit for the company’s installation capabilities.

Currently, the team is designing, building and implementing noise reduction strategy for the facilities of a national entertainment chain.

AXISTECH and Primacoustic are pioneering noise pollution reduction strategies to improve work environments for IT professionals and add to the effectiveness of corporate Green initiatives. Collectively, we feel it is our responsibility to continuously pioneer innovative services to the communications infrastructure industry.”

– Bob Fedoruk, Director of Sales / Partner

Industry Data:

• Average dB stats: 128dB for back of a plane, 132dB for rock concerts, 85dB for most modern and
optimized communication rooms

• OHS Regulation Publication regulations (Occupational Health and Safety = legal requirements for employer to implement)

7.2 Noise exposure limits
An employer must ensure that a worker is not exposed to noise levels above either of the following exposure limits:
• 85 dBA Lex daily noise exposure level;
• 140 dBC peak sound level.

7.6 Engineered noise control
7.6 If a worker is exposed to noise above a noise exposure limit, the employer must:
Investigate options for engineered noise control
• When practicable, implement one or more of those options to reduce noise exposure of workers to or below the exposure limits

• Noise pollution reduction is beneficial for the long-term health of the room, equipment, environment and
people who work there

• Sound treatment of rooms can be accomplished for a few thousand dollars depending on size and complexity

• Typical situation in server room: Two people (e.g. Technical and administrator) at only 10 feet apart have to essentially yell at each other to hold a conversation. This is evidence of just how much deafening white noise is filling the room. The fans and power suppliers from each of the servers, hubs, routers, switches, air conditioning units, and other devices in the data center all produce a constant hum or whirl

• The current trend of data center consolidations and adoption of high-density equipment leads to
further denser and noisier systems in data centers

• There will be no interruption in tending to tech support issues in the server room and no downtime during a sound treatment installation

Environments include:

• Data and communication server rooms, mechanical rooms, generator rooms, sound rooms, entertainment facilities, rock concerts and places of worship (churches, etc.)

> Learn more by contacting AXISTECH today at 604 559 AXIS (2947) or