Chilliwack School District – Security Enhancements

After successfully installing the first Passive Optical LAN (POL) System in Western Canada at the Chilliwack School District of British Columbia; Axis Systems Group was the logical fit to fulfill the district’s latest surveillance requirements.
College Students Enjoying Class Outside on a Nice Day
The district’s team required a product-centric approach and a customized strategy for their audio visual and security needs. ASG ascertained that the short-term and long-term needs of the organization were:

  1. 24/7/365 online surveillance for quicker response and remote access
  2. Real-Time and Remote Monitoring and Controls
  3. 360, 270 and 180 degree security camera angles with exceptional image quality.
    The high-definiton Avigilon cameras house 3 – 4 sensors each and store all sourced data on Network Video Recorders (NVR)


Chilliwack School District is located the British Columbian Fraser Valley. The district is home to a learning community of over 14,000 students, served by 1,800 teachers and support staff. Chilliwack’s diverse programs include elementary, middle and secondary neighbourhood schools as well as alternate and distance learning programs.

Call 604 559 AXIS (2947) or Email ROI[at] to Schedule a Needs Assessment with our Management Team.